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Hi everyone, welcome to ArtSci! I’m in U3 multitrack and I’m studying molecular biology and international development. This year I’m also serving as your Arts and Science president! This means I’m responsible for coordinating and supporting the other ArtSci executives and representing ArtSci student interests on various student and university associations. My favourite thing about ArtSci is that we truly get the best of both worlds in terms of student services and courses. Our close-knit, unique community is also near and dear to my heart.

Louisa's Advice: I highly encourage you to get involved through our various committee positions and our super exciting virtual events! Looking forward to an amazing year!

PS. Burnside basement looks dingy (you’ll see) but has the best grilled cheese and free colour printing for only ArtSci and Sci students! 10/10 would recommend once campus opens!



VP External

Hi everyone! I’m Ethan, a U3 student majoring in Cognitive Science and minoring in Russian Culture. As VP External, I communicate between ASUS and other areas of student government, especially the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) and Science Undergraduate Society (SUS). When campus is open, you can either find me running around third floor Redpath or eating a panini from Soupe Café somewhere deep in Burnside basement—when in doubt, just yell really loud and I’ll be there!

Ethan's advice: Milk ALL the resources available to you. Use your free printing from Computer Task Force, borrow laptops from AUS’ equipment lending program, stack your all-you-can-eat BMH sundae as high as you can…you’re part of two of the biggest (and best) faculties at McGill, so you have a lot of supports to take advantage of!

Can’t wait to see y’all soon!

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VP Internal

Welcome first years! My name is Sasha and I’m the VP Internal of the ASUS exec committee this year. I’m going into my third year and I’m double majoring in political science and psychology. This year I have the pleasure of being the head coordinator for Frosh, which is one of the most exciting times as a first year! This year, Frosh is going to be virtual and our coordinating committee is excited to showcase what we have in store for you all. Save the dates for ArtSci Lego Frosh 2020 - August 27-30th! The ArtSci community may be small and this upcoming semester may be virtual but I’m dedicated to making it a fulfilling semester for you. As Internal, I am committed to bringing our community together during these times with bonding activities and events that will be shared with you shortly! Despite this semester being online, our exec committee is dedicated to staying connected with you and helping you throughout this time and rest assured we’ll be by your side throughout! You can reach out to me by email or on Facebook at Sasha Kumar!

Sasha's Advice: Don’t fret over the small things. First year is about making mistakes as well as learning and growing from them. Also join as many clubs as you can! Getting involved at McGill is so exciting and I think every first year should take that opportunity.



VP Academic

Hi! I'm a third year ArtSci student in Environment. As your VP Academic, I want to improve your time at McGill in terms of programs, services and personal experiences. Your feedback is the first step to that!

Gwen's advice: Get out of your comfort zone and join clubs, events, apply for positions, etc... While ArtSci is vibrant, creative and innovative (obviously the best faculty at McGill), it does come with the downside that students are very scattered across programs, so chances are you won’t have many people taking the exact same classes as you throughout your degree. This makes it a bit more challenging to make new friends, so quit being so shy and shoot your shot!



VP Finance

I was born and raised in China, and I went to a high school in Maryland. Now, I’m a third-year student majoring in economics and mathematics at McGill. This year, lots of events have been canceled or rescheduled due to the pandemic. But worry not, we have been working on hosting events such as online frosh for incoming ArtSci students.

Zheng's advice: Try out the maple donut with hot cider at the coffee shop located at the top of Mount Royal (They might only serve these in the winter). This sweet and delicate combo will make your day anytime during a harsh cold Montreal winter. And it’s defiantly worth the 30 min walk up the hill.



VP Communications

I’m in U3 Cognitive Science and minoring in Environment. I send out weekly listservs and update our social media accounts, as well as help plan the National Integrative Research Conference (NiRC)! Follow us on Facebook!

Grace's advice: Go to the library workshops! They can really help you navigate resources and learn skills for school and work.



VP First Year Affairs

Hi everyone! I'm a second year student in Cognitive Science with a minor in Environment. As VP First Year Affairs, I work to create the most welcoming environment as possible for all first-year ArtScis! Part of my job as VP FYA includes chairing the Freshman Arts and Science Committee, where first-years can become involved in McGill student government, as well as form bonds with ASUS executives and other ArtSci freshmen. I am also in charge of the ASUS Buddy Program and am responsible for creating this website! Reach out to me via my email, our Facebook group and/or Instagram account

Darcy's advice: Part of what makes our faculty so awesome are our advisors. Don't be afraid to reach out to them with questions about your freshman program and major program requirements as they are always more than willing to talk with you! Learn more about ArtSci advisors here.

Black Paper


Check out our "Get Involved" page & keep updated with our social media accounts for information regarding ASUS committee applications for the 2020-2021 school year!

ASUS acknowledges that McGill is on the traditional territory of the Indigenous People, Kanien'keha:ka (Ga-niyen-ge-haa-ga). The Kanien'keha:ka are the keepers of the Eastern Door of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. This island known as Montreal is known as Tio’tia:ke (Gio-Jaw-Gé) in the language of the Kanien’kehá:ka, and has historically served as a meeting place for other Indigenous nations.

It is not enough to just acknowledge the keepers of this land and McGill’s status as a settler-colonial institution. Silence and inaction will only contribute to erasing the history, the culture, and the realities of Indigenous people. As such, it is important that individuals educate themselves on Indigenous matters and that they apply that knowledge to support Indigenous communities. ASUS should actively resist (neo)-colonialism in the many forms it takes, and in the diversity of forms that resistance can take.

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